Mood Swings During Pregnancy 

Mood Swings During Pregnancy 

Pregnancy brings with it a series of physical and mental changes, anmood swings during pregnancy are one of them. It is crucial to understand the causes and signs of these mood swings in order to deal with them in an optimistic way.

What are mood swings?
Mood swings are fluctuating emotions felt by a woman during pregnancy. In a matter of seconds, her emotions might change from a feeling of great pleasure to one of deep sadness. It might feel hard to deal with such clashing emotions, but they are an absolutely common part of pregnancy. A woman usually starts experiencing mood swings in the first trimester of pregnancy. And they can last for almost the entire pregnancy.

What are the symptoms of mood swings?

  • Anger for no reason
  • Increase in irritability
  • Concern about trivial matters
  • Sleeplessness
  • Disinterest in eating
  • Inability to pay attention
  • Forgetfulness

Experiencing such emotional turmoil is common during pregnancy. So be gentle with yourself and handle them with patience. 

What are the causes of mood swings?

1. Hormonal Changes:
Many hormones in the body aid in conception, and mood swings are caused by fluctuations in the amount of these hormones. Of these, the roles of estrogen and progesterone hormones are the most important. Changes in the level of these hormones cause mood swings during pregnancy.
2. Physical Changes:
Many times, women are unable to adapt to the physical changes that occur during pregnancy and react to them with pessimism. This can cause irritability and unease.
3. Concern About the Baby:
Most moms are very concerned about the growth of the baby in their womb, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. In the third trimester, the mood swings often get a bit intense as the mom is too worried about labour and the whole birthing process.
4. Other Types of Physical Stress
Fatigue, changes in the metabolism, nausea, vomiting, and gastrointestinal issues during pregnancy can also lead to mood swings.

When to Seek a Doctor’s Advice?
Pregnancy is a very delicate period and requires a lot of care and attention. Excessive mood swings during pregnancy can be a sign of serious physical and medical conditions. In such a case, a mom should definitely consult a doctor. 

What to do?
Knowing that “it will happen” helps a lot. To deal with physical and mental discomfort, prenatal yoga, exercises, and meditation can provide great help.

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