What Is Ultrasound? (Sonography)

What Is Ultrasound? (Sonography)

Ultrasound during pregnancy is a technique through which images of the unborn baby’s development are produced through high-frequency sound waves. It is also used to create pictures to check the pelvic health of the mother undergoing the procedure. To read more pregnancy-related information, you can download Krishna Coming: GarbhSanskar App from the Playstore.

How an Ultrasound is Performed?
The pregnant women must lie on their backs on an examination table.
A gel is spread on the belly of the mother, and a transducer is run over the gel. This transducer generates sound waves on the mother’s belly through which pictures are drawn onto the monitor.
The images are then examined by medical professionals.
There are various ways of performing an ultrasound in pregnancy.
One of the ways is to create images of the vagina to see the position of the baby (head-on or breech). The length of the cervix is also measured by this method of conducting the ultrasound.

When and How Often do you Need an Ultrasound?
Routine pregnancies require fewer ultrasound sessions. However, high-risk pregnancies may require a greater number of ultrasound sessions than the usual number. Women with a normal foetus should undergo their ultrasound sessions during the second trimester of their pregnancy.

However, an ultrasound session can take place as early as 6–8 weeks into the pregnancy. Additionally, an early pregnancy ultrasound takes place with the help of a transvaginal transducer. This transducer gives your doctor an early and fair idea of the baby’s growth. Moreover, a transvaginal ultrasound is the first ultrasound in a pregnancy. The first ultrasound during pregnancy reveals a lot of valuable information to the doctor, such as the heartbeat of the unborn baby, the due date of the baby, the number of fetuses attached to the uterus of the baby, and the location of the baby (to close out any chances of an ectopic pregnancy, which is majorly detected by an ectopic pregnancy ultrasound). Most pregnancies involving healthy women ideally require two pregnancy scans. One is during the first trimester to ensure the due date of the baby, and the other one is during the second trimester at 18–22 weeks to check the anatomy of the unborn child. The early pregnancy scan is highly beneficial for the mother for the reasons mentioned above. This kind of ultrasound is also known as a first trimester ultrasound.

You can watch this video to understand how many times performing ultrasound is safe during pregnancy….

Read More:- https://www.krishnacoming.com/

How To Get Healthy And Intelligent Baby

How To Get Healthy And Intelligent Baby

Congratulations on your pregnancy. Being pregnant is the moment of completion & a dream come true for any woman. This journey of 9 months will come to fruition with the warmth of your baby in your loving arms. Now that you are pregnant you’ll definitely be concerned with various aspects such as how to take care of yourself during pregnancy, how to take care of your baby during pregnancy, how to get healthy and intelligent baby and so on… Here we will discuss the small steps that should be taken during pregnancy that can ensure the birth of a healthy and intelligent baby right from the period of pregnancy.


The key to a healthy baby is – healthy mother & healthy pregnancy. Nutrition is the building block of our physical health. A balanced diet that includes iron, calcium, folic acid & other nutrient is the first thing that you should take your attention to. Depending on your pregnancy month, body type you may get a balanced diet prescribed by a doctor or a nutritionist. This is not a time to be choosy or picky about food habits, it’s all about keeping this pregnancy healthy & the best way to ensure this is through proper nutrition.


Next in line to maintain a healthy pregnancy is hygiene. Lack of proper hygiene puts you at the risk of contracting infections. Bad hygiene results in low immunity which results in infections and diseases. A wide spectrum of changes are going down during pregnancy, fluctuating levels of estrogen and progesterone resulting in vaginal discharge, foul smell, inflammation of the skin, infection in the urinary tract etc… Thus, taking a nice, thorough bath twice a day is recommended. Avoid using general soaps & body wash products. Use the cleansers specifically designed for use during pregnancy with anti-bacterial, soothing & acid PH properties. Good dental hygiene is also very important brushing twice a day, replacing toothbrushes every 3 months and avoiding sweets before going to sleep is a general rule of thumb that should be followed. If you feel any soreness in your gums you should contact your dentist at the earliest.

The hygiene factors are not only limited to the pregnant lady but it extends importantly to your partner as well try to avoid using the same towel to decrease the chances of bacteria transmission.

Regular Check-up:

Is everything going good? What important medical tests you should take? Are there any complications? These and a host of other important things get covered when you regularly visit your doctor. Usually, doctor’s recommend the schedule your visits over the period of pregnancy but in case of any concern or query you should contact your doctor and set up an appointment for discussion. Many pregnant ladies agree that there is an element of excitement while visiting the doctor for a check-up, primarily because you’ll get to know the exact condition of your baby, sometimes ultrasound pictures as well.

So, prenatal visits during pregnancy is a very important step in keeping your pregnancy healthy and ensuring a healthy baby.

Managing Stress:

Several scientific studies have reached the conclusion that too much long-term mental stress, depression & anxiety during pregnancy can badly affect fetal neural development & can promote mental diseases such as ADHD, LD in the baby. Thus, managing stress stands amongst the primary concerns of a pregnant lady her family. There are many ways to cope up with long term stress, depression & anxiety which we will discuss in detail in one dedicated article but key gateways can be better communication with your partner, making it easy, eat healthily, be mindful, do pregnancy exercises, yoga, be spiritual & practice the proven science of Garbh Sanskar that consists scientific garbh sanskar music, mantras & other therapies which can help you bring down the pent up stress & anxiety.

Garbh Sanskar:

Garbh Sanskar Music

Garbh Sanskar is an ancient Indian science that aims at making the period of pregnancy positive, healthy & spiritual so that a pregnant lady can give birth to a healthy and intelligent baby. Garbh Sanskar is a 360-degree lifestyle that works on the physical, mental and emotional health of a pregnant lady. It consists of a wide range of therapies (music therapy, colour therapy, music therapy etc..) that makes the period of pregnancy very easygoing and you can even imbibe the qualities you desire to be in your child right from the period of pregnancy. Backed by science, garbh sanskar is truly a miraculous process wherein you can ensure you can get a healthy & intelligent baby, imbibe the qualities of Mann, buddhi & sanskaras in your soon to be born child. If you are keen to know more about what is garbh sanskar watch this video & take a free demo by downloading Krishna coming garbh sanskar app here.

Above mentioned points are answers to your question about how to get healthy and intelligent baby. Follow these points and enjoy a beautiful pregnancy journey!

Disclaimer: Please consult your medical practitioner before following any diet/ hygiene recommendations.

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Originally published at https://www.krishnacoming.com.

Why Garbh Sanskar Is Important During Pregnancy

Why Garbh Sanskar Is Important During Pregnancy

Why GarbhSanskar Is Important?

The practice of GarbhSanskar has been documented in the Rigveda of Indian civilization approximately 3500 years ago. This practice has also been supplied with references from the Indian mythological history & in Ayurveda.

What is GarbhSanskar?

The literal meaning of Garbh is womb, and sanskar means values, ethics, or morale. Together, the term “GarbhSanskar” means imparting valuesto the palpitating life in the womb.

Examples such as that of Abhimanyu could be drawn from the Mahabaharata in which Arjun teaches his yet-to-be-born child Abhimanyu how to use chakravyuh in a war. Another example could be drawn from our story of BhaktPrahalad, in which his mother listened to the devotional chants of Lord Vishnu when she was pregnant with him. Even though Prahalad was born in the clan of demons, he became a staunch follower of Lord Vishnu.

These are just a few instances of GarbhSanskar. Modern day examples of GarbhSanskar can be witnessed in the user experience section of Krishna Coming GarbhSanskar.

GarbhSanskar- A Science

Scientists have proven today that the foetus can respond to external stimuli. The hormonal secretions activated by the mother’s thoughts can also affect her soon to be born baby in the womb. The journey of a child from the womb of the mother to his immediate environment is known as GarbhSanskar in Ayurveda. To know more about GarbhSanskar, browse through www.krishnacoming.com.

Its All About Mother’s Emotions

It is a conventional belief that a mother’s emotional state affects the unborn child in multiple ways concerning the child’s mental and behavioral development. If we talk about the role positive thinking and positive attitude play in the mental development of a child, then a mother has a long way to go because her attitude during pregnancy transfers to the womb and affects her mental well-being. GarbhSanskar has long-term benefits for the child & it also helps to build a great and fulfilling relationship between the mother and the child.

Garbh Samvad

Importance of GarbhSanskar During Pregnancy

Today, more than ever, following garbhsanskar is imperative. We are living a fast-paced life & are continuously surrounded by targets of meeting deadlines, lack of qualitative relationships, falling emotional quotient & the stress, tension, insecurity & depression associated with all of the above. Being pregnant in such negative situations may prove harmful to your baby. Even if you are not imparting ‘su-sanskar’ to your baby the negative environment is definitely imparting ‘ku-sanskar’ to your baby. So, to ensure that your baby is showered with all the positivity, optimism & su-sanskars, following ancient Indian science of GarbhSanskar holds as much importance as visiting a doctor today.

How Krishna Coming Helps Modern Mother in Following GarbhSanskar Easily

One can also join the best garbhsanskar classes online at Krishna Coming: GarbhSanskar App. By joining these online classes, soon-to-be parents will have a fair idea of what thoughts and actions are to be imparted to their unborn child, consciously & subconsciously. Online garbhsanskar classes indeed make a massive difference on the baby as it is evident from hundreds of testimonials received by team Krishna Coming Garbhsanskar.

  • Garbhadhaan Sanskar,
  • Punsavan Sanskar
  • Seemantonayan Sanskar
  • GarbhSanskar Sutra
  • Vaidic Mantra Vrushti
  • Isht Mantra
  • GarbhSanskar Music
  • Jeevan Sutra
  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • GarbhSamvad
  • Yog-Nidra
  • Supraj Santaanotpatti Havan

These are just a few features that helps a pregnant woman to transform her pregnancy, her surroundings and her baby to a more positive state.

Using Krishna Coming GarbhSanskar App is also very easy and takes around minimum of 15 Minutes of time daily. Just Download the Krishna Coming GarbhSanskar App from Play Store register using your mobile number enter your pregnancy details and attend free of cost live explainer session by Prof. Vipin Joshi.

Also, watch this video where in a user of Krishna Coming GarbhSanskar asked founder Prof. Vipin Joshi why we should follow GarbhSanskar.  

Krishna Coming Garbh Sanskar

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Originally published at :- https://www.krishnacoming.com/

Mood Swings During Pregnancy 

Mood Swings During Pregnancy 

Pregnancy brings with it a series of physical and mental changes, anmood swings during pregnancy are one of them. It is crucial to understand the causes and signs of these mood swings in order to deal with them in an optimistic way.

What are mood swings?
Mood swings are fluctuating emotions felt by a woman during pregnancy. In a matter of seconds, her emotions might change from a feeling of great pleasure to one of deep sadness. It might feel hard to deal with such clashing emotions, but they are an absolutely common part of pregnancy. A woman usually starts experiencing mood swings in the first trimester of pregnancy. And they can last for almost the entire pregnancy.

What are the symptoms of mood swings?

  • Anger for no reason
  • Increase in irritability
  • Concern about trivial matters
  • Sleeplessness
  • Disinterest in eating
  • Inability to pay attention
  • Forgetfulness

Experiencing such emotional turmoil is common during pregnancy. So be gentle with yourself and handle them with patience. 

What are the causes of mood swings?

1. Hormonal Changes:
Many hormones in the body aid in conception, and mood swings are caused by fluctuations in the amount of these hormones. Of these, the roles of estrogen and progesterone hormones are the most important. Changes in the level of these hormones cause mood swings during pregnancy.
2. Physical Changes:
Many times, women are unable to adapt to the physical changes that occur during pregnancy and react to them with pessimism. This can cause irritability and unease.
3. Concern About the Baby:
Most moms are very concerned about the growth of the baby in their womb, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. In the third trimester, the mood swings often get a bit intense as the mom is too worried about labour and the whole birthing process.
4. Other Types of Physical Stress
Fatigue, changes in the metabolism, nausea, vomiting, and gastrointestinal issues during pregnancy can also lead to mood swings.

When to Seek a Doctor’s Advice?
Pregnancy is a very delicate period and requires a lot of care and attention. Excessive mood swings during pregnancy can be a sign of serious physical and medical conditions. In such a case, a mom should definitely consult a doctor. 

What to do?
Knowing that “it will happen” helps a lot. To deal with physical and mental discomfort, prenatal yoga, exercises, and meditation can provide great help.


Pregnancy brings with it a lot of excitement, but it cannot be denied that during pregnancy, a pregnant woman is surrounded by many kinds of troubles and worries. And this often makes her stressed at times. To add to this, hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy increase this stress and also cause mood swings during pregnancy. To avoid mood swings and stress during pregnancy, it is very important that a pregnant woman learn to manage her stress. That’s why in this article we will talk about some tips to relax yourself during pregnancy.


1.Be with Yourself
Be it pregnancy or any other phase of life, there is one person who is always going to be with you, and that is you. Therefore, no matter how much tension or irritability you feel during pregnancy, you should never leave your side. Find ways to make yourself happy. Do your favourite things, like listening to music, playing the guitar, or painting. Eat your favourite food, go on long walks, and do anything and everything that makes you relaxed and happy.

2. Accept that it’s okay to Feel Low
In this world full of social media selfies and Instagram stories, it is very common to feel that we are the only ones who are sad and everyone else is happy except us. But remember that, behind the filters, every person has their own sorrows and their own battles. Instead of being influenced by the outside world, concentrate on your own life and look for ways to improve it.

3. Engage in Meditation and Pranayama.
Pranayama and Meditation during pregnancy is the best way to relax your mind. Along with meditation, you can also do pranayama, which consists of a variety of breathing exercises that can relax the whole body in a very good way.

4. Talk to your Family and Friends
Sharing your heart’s sorrow is the most effective way to alleviate it.Therefore, talk to the people around you about your doubts, troubles, fears, and confusions during pregnancy. If you don’t like talking to everyone about your problems, then at least talk to people you trust. This will help you a lot.

5. Take Part in Prenatal Classes.
Prenatal classes can be a great option to relax yourself during pregnancy. Not only do you get professional help in prenatal classes, but you also get to interact with people who are struggling with the same problems as you. That’s when you feel like you’re not alone and it’s easy to find a solution to your problems.
Apart from this, a good diet, regular prenatal exercises, and yoga also help a lot in relaxing during pregnancy. And if, even after all of this, you are still not able to deal with your stress and worries during pregnancy, then you should definitely consult your doctor to seek medical help.

Pregnancy Calculator

Pregnancy Calculator

When a woman finds out that she is pregnant, the first question that arises in her mind is what her expected due date is. And to calculate this expected due date, the pregnancy calculator is used. How to go about this calculation? Let us know more!

Pregnancy Calculator

Period of Gestation

After the baby is conceived in the uterus, it takes around 40 weeks for it to fully develop in the mother’s womb. This duration of time is known as the period of gestation. A child is born after this period is completed. The date on which the child is born is termed the “due date.”

The Estimated Due Date

The date when the labour pains followed by the birth of the baby are expected to occur is known as the estimated due date. It is calculated by adding 280 days (9 months and 7 days) to the first day of the last menstrual cycle. The accuracy of the EDD determined by this method depends on how precisely the mother recalls the date of her last menstrual cycle.

Nowadays, a lot of websites offer online pregnancy calculators to calculate the due date. Just use them in three simple steps.

1. Use an online pregnancy calculator

2. Enter the date requested by the calculator

3. The next thing you have in front of you is your estimated due date

But remember, the estimated due date calculated with the pregnancy calculator is not the exact date when labour will occur. It is just an approximate one. If a pregnant mom crosses the EDD, she should consult her doctor to avoid any further complications in the delivery of the baby.


Women who suffer from irregular menstrual cycles are usually unable to remember the date of their last period. And hence, the above formulae to calculate the due date do not apply to them. They are advised to go for an ultrasound examination to determine their expected date of delivery. The ultrasound done in the first two to three months gives the most accurate results.

What is Garbh Sanskar ? Get to know more about Garbh Sanskar

Every parent has a dream of having beautiful and intelligent baby. A Garbh Sanskar program has come to make your dreams true. Garbh Sanskar not only educate your child in a womb but also establish a strong relationship between mother and child. It has a great impact on both mother and child. 

​Benefits of Garbh Sanskar

​1. Establish strong bonding between mother and unborn child.

2. Provides a positive environment during pregnancy.

3. Improves physical and mental growth of your unborn baby.

4. Helps in birth of intelligent and beautiful baby. 

Start Garbh Sanskar From Which Month: 

Many parents are confused and ask we should start garbh sanskar from which month?

You can start at anytime during your pregnancy. But, we suggest you to start with Krishna Coming Garbh Sanskar as soon as you can, because every single day of your pregnancy counts to shape a better future for you and your child by imparting great health and intelligence in your child.


Know Everything About Garbh Sanskar

We have all heard the tale of the glorious hero Abhimanyu from the Mahabharata, who learnt the art of warfare in his mother’s womb. According to our ancient Indian scriptures, a child starts absorbing thoughts, emotions, and values even before birth, and the knowledge imparted to a child in the womb has an effect on his entire life.  The values given to the child in the womb during pregnancy are known as Garbh Sanskar. 

Techniques for Garbh Sanskar:

Garbh Sanskar consists of all the changes a mother brings to her behavior and routine in order to stay happy and positive so as to provide an optimistic environment for the growth of her baby. Various platforms offer comprehensive Garbh Sanskar online classes for foetal programming. I hope now have learned about what is garbh sanskar. Now we will see some of the ways to give Garbh Sanskar to your baby:

Maintain a Positive Attitude

If a mother remains calm and composed, then positive energy flows through her body, which has a direct effect on the child. If a mother is stressed during pregnancy, her body releases catecholamines in response to emotional or physical stress. This has a negative impact on the child. Also, when a child is exposed to a negative environment, it retaliates to save itself. It slows down the growth of the baby as the energy that is spent in response to stress is the same energy that helps in its overall development.

Stay Away from Toxins

Refrain from the use of alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, and other similar substances. They are destructive to the physical and mental health of a mother and her baby.

Create a List of Positive Values

Think and revise all the positive values that you wish to inculcate in your baby. Values such as compassion, kindness, and truthfulness that contribute to your child’s strong character can be instilled in them even before they are born.

Participate in Activities that Make you Happy

Stay away from things that make you angry and feel bad. To do so, engross yourself in activities of your interest, such as painting, domestic chores, listening to music, talking to friends, pottery, gardening, etc.

Read Good Books

Read books that are uplifting, such as religious books, autobiographies of great leaders, or comic novels that make you laugh. They will keep you emotionally and mentally blissful.

Baby To Mumma- Please Control Your Anger, It’s Affecting Me!

Pregnancy is a beautiful experience that a woman can experience in her life. It comes with a bundle of joy in her life, and along with joy, pregnancy also brings stress, anger, physical and mental discomforts, and a lot more to a woman’s health. It’s normal to have anger and frustration during pregnancy on unexpected things but remember your baby is also feeling the same anger inside the womb as the mother feels.

This emotion of anger and frustration negatively impacts the baby's health, resulting in high blood pressure, high heart rates, and other biological changes.
Baby To Mumma- Please Control Your Anger, It’s Affecting Me

This emotion of anger and frustration negatively impacts the baby’s health, resulting in high blood pressure, high heart rates, and other biological changes. Anger during pregnancy also results in the baby’s premature birth, chances that the baby will be hyperactive, and delivery of the baby’s low birth weight. Read the full blog to know the ways how to control anger during pregnancy and keep your baby away from its effect.

Factors Causing Anger During Pregnancy 

Many factors may lead you to anger and stress during pregnancy. But every reaction has a reason for it. Here are some factors causing anger in the pregnant woman.

Hormonal Changes

During pregnancy, it’s normal that a pregnant woman undergoes many hormonal changes during pregnancy, but you know what these changes may lead her to irritation, stress, and high anger. To overcome the reaction, take proper rest and stay healthy.


It’s normal to have stress during pregnancy, and it has many reasons like an unsupportive partner, physical discomfort, over workload, lack of sleep and rest, mood swings, etc. Control your outburst of anger because it affects your little one health and development inside the womb. 

Fear and Discomforts

The other two common factors of anger during pregnancy are fear and discomfort during pregnancy. During nine months, discomfort may lead a woman to irritation, nausea, mood swings, and morning sickness. Often, the pregnant woman is also concerned for the smooth and healthy pregnancy, health of the unborn baby, time of delivering a baby, etc.; this is the reason for the fear.

How to Control Anger During Pregnancy

Only you can solve your query of how to control anger during pregnancy and live happily in your life. Here are some ways that will help you to manage your anger level.

Healthy Diet

During pregnancy, nurturing and nourishing your baby inside the womb is the core responsibility of a pregnant woman. Eating a balanced diet full of fiber, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, vitamins, and more will help you stay energetic, happy and prevent tiredness during pregnancy.

Indulge Yourself in Your Hobbies

During the wonderful journey of nine months, it is important for an expecting to live happily, which helps in the better development of your baby. To live happy during pregnancy, do what you love to do, or follow your hobbies like painting, singing, listening, cooking, and a lot more.

Make Exercise Your Routine

It is very important to stay consistent with your daily routine and exercises like walking and other light exercises during pregnancy. Daily exercises help you to stay fresh and take care of your mood swings.

Yoga and Meditation

Yoga for pregnant women are very beneficial for the mother and baby’s health. Meditation during pregnancy helps to reduce stress and anger in nine months and also helps to calm yourself. But, you have to understand what meditation you should do to reduce anger during pregnancy? The answers are deep breathing exercises, pranayam, light exercise, etc. 

Listen to Music

According to research, it is proven that 70% of the anger during pregnancy is released by listening to music, and it is also scientifically correct. Soothing music during pregnancy helps you to stay fresh, positive, healthy, and stress-free. What is the best music for pregnancy? Here is the list- Garbh sanskar music, Vedic mantras, Ragas for proper development of each body part of your unborn baby,  garbh sanskar mantra to pray for baby health, and other soothing music.

How to Control Anger During Pregnancy

The points mentioned above will help to solve your query of how to control  anger during pregnancy and reduce the affect of it on your baby’s health and development in the womb. For relaxing and soothing music for pregnancy, download Krishna Coming garbh sanskar app.

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Originally published at:- https://www.krishnacoming.com/ 

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy is an overwhelming experience in every woman’s lifetime when they are overwhelmed with both joy and anxiety about welcoming a new soul on Earth. However, with this ecstatic bliss comes its challenges, including the onset and severity of early pregnancy symptoms that may irritate some women.

Pregnancy symptoms are generally felt after the occurrence of implantation (8-10 days from ovulation), and it may cause frustration in some women to realise that early pregnancy symptoms are very similar to their premenstrual cycle symptoms. However, the key indicators of pregnancy are high temperatures and a longer luteal phase.

Nausea and Vomiting

The first most common early pregnancy symptom that most women experience during their first trimester and as early as pregnancy kicks in is nausea, followed by vomiting. This symptom may occur as early as the first week of a woman’s pregnancy. Some women experience nausea throughout the day. To prevent this state, expectant mothers should take in a glass of milk before bedtime to avoid feeling morning sickness the next day. They should eat frequently but in small chunks, and they are allowed to snack on saltine crackers to avoid the feeling of vomiting preceded by nausea. Moreover, nausea is an early ectopic pregnancy symptom as well as nausea is a three-day pregnancy symptom. The other three days of pregnancy symptoms are backache, fatigue, and bloating. 

Breast Tenderness

During the first trimester of pregnancy, women may begin to notice some changes in their bodies around their breasts. Symptoms like breast tenderness, darkening of nipples, and visibility of breast veins occur because of the increase in the amount of HCG hormone that starts at implantation. This is also one of the ectopic pregnancy symptoms.

Frequent Urination

Pregnancy and the development of the foetus during that period cause the enlargement of the uterus. Fetus development inside the mother’s womb puts more pressure on the uterus wall, which induces frequent urination in them during that entire period. This process of frequent urination starts within a week or two after a woman becomes pregnant. This is a type of pregnancy symptom before a missed period, which can continue throughout the three trimesters.

Feeling of Tiredness or Sluggishness

Lethargy, Fatigue and Tiredness are some of the pregnancy symptoms before missed periods. The first trimester of pregnancy may induce a lot of sluggishness in an expectant mother’s body as her HCG hormone levels are increasing, and other hormonal changes, such as an increase in progesterone levels, may cause a feeling of tiredness in a woman’s body. To deal with this, prenatal yoga, meditation, and exercise should be included by the mothers in their lifestyle. A wholesome curriculum for prenatal yoga and meditation is available on the Krishna Coming-Garbh Sanskar App on the playstore. You can also google the website at http://www.krishnacoming.com.

Missed Period/Light Blood Flow

Many women experience light bleeding 8-10 days after ovulation. Some of them assume that they have gotten back on their monthly menstrual cycle, but they have become pregnant. The blood spot is induced by implantation, which is when the fertilized egg burrows into the endometrial lining.

Feelings of Dizziness or Fainting

Some women who go for long meal breaks, i.e., without eating, experience this symptom. Their blood sugar levels go down because of a lack of glucose in their bodies. The growing uterus also constricts arteries in your legs, which causes your blood pressure to go down, making you feel dizzy or light-headed.

Heartburn, Irritability, and Constipation

Constipation becomes worse with the progression of pregnancy as there is more absorption of vitamins and nutrients in the body. Therefore, the bowel movement slows down, resulting in constipation. Irritability increases due to a sudden shift in hormonal balance in the body during the first trimester. However, this symptom reduces in the subsequent trimesters if proper focus on diet intake is given to the body as per its requirements. Proper sleep also reduces irritability in expectant mothers.

There is an increase in stomach acid due to the increase in HCG hormone levels in pregnant women’s bodies, which causes slower digestion and heartburn.

The onset of pregnancy might be a difficult phase for the expectant mother. But all you really need to feel good is a healthy lifestyle, a positive environment, and a healthy mindset.

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Originally published at:- https://www.krishnacoming.com.

Know Everything About Punsavan Sanskar

Know Everything About Punsavan Sanskar

Rituals and traditions hold a significant place in Indian culture. Each and every tradition practised in our country has a scientific reason along with a spiritual one. In some ways or another, they add meaning to our lives and make them better. When it comes to pregnancy, Garbh Sanskar is the most crucial practice that has existed since the Vedic period. Of all the sixteen sanskars of Garbh sanskar, Punsavan sanskar is one of the most important sanskars, as it inculcates good health and positive qualities in your child.

To get all the information about Punsavan Sanskar, download the Krishna Coming Garbh Sanskar App from the Play Store for free and access the best online garbh sanskar course.

Read More:- Know Everything About Punsavan Sanskar

Tips to Manage Your Common Pregnancy Symptoms

 Nausea and vomiting are very common symptoms in the first stage of pregnancy. And this is due to the many types of hormonal changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman. Nausea and vomiting usually settle by 16 to 20 weeks of pregnancy, but in some cases, they can persist for longer. Irritability, constipation, tiredness, dizziness, back pain and heartburn are amongst the other early signs of pregnancy. These symptoms don’t harm your baby, but they cause a lot of mood swings and discomfort for a pregnant mom and have a great impact on her routine. All of these can be eased with a positive environment at home, supportive family members, and by making small changes in daily eating habits and lifestyle. Some tips to manage common pregnancy symptoms are given below:

Visit to Learn More:- Pregnancy Symptoms