
What Is Ultrasound? (Sonography)

Ultrasound during pregnancy is a technique through which images of the unborn baby’s development are produced through high-frequency sound waves. It is also used to create pictures to check the pelvic health of the mother undergoing the procedure. To read more pregnancy-related information, you can download Krishna Coming: GarbhSanskar App from the Playstore. How an…

How To Get Healthy And Intelligent Baby

Congratulations on your pregnancy. Being pregnant is the moment of completion & a dream come true for any woman. This journey of 9 months will come to fruition with the warmth of your baby in your loving arms. Now that you are pregnant you’ll definitely be concerned with various aspects such as how to take…

Why Garbh Sanskar Is Important During Pregnancy

Why GarbhSanskar Is Important? The practice of GarbhSanskar has been documented in the Rigveda of Indian civilization approximately 3500 years ago. This practice has also been supplied with references from the Indian mythological history & in Ayurveda. What is GarbhSanskar? The literal meaning of Garbh is womb, and sanskar means values, ethics, or morale. Together,…

Mood Swings During Pregnancy 

Pregnancy brings with it a series of physical and mental changes, and mood swings during pregnancy are one of them. It is crucial to understand the causes and signs of these mood swings in order to deal with them in an optimistic way. What are mood swings?Mood swings are fluctuating emotions felt by a woman during pregnancy.…


Pregnancy brings with it a lot of excitement, but it cannot be denied that during pregnancy, a pregnant woman is surrounded by many kinds of troubles and worries. And this often makes her stressed at times. To add to this, hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy increase this stress and also cause mood swings…

Pregnancy Calculator

Pregnancy Calculator When a woman finds out that she is pregnant, the first question that arises in her mind is what her expected due date is. And to calculate this expected due date, the pregnancy calculator is used. How to go about this calculation? Let us know more! Period of Gestation After the baby is…

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy is an overwhelming experience in every woman’s lifetime when they are overwhelmed with both joy and anxiety about welcoming a new soul on Earth. However, with this ecstatic bliss comes its challenges, including the onset and severity of early pregnancy symptoms that may irritate some women. Pregnancy symptoms are generally felt after the occurrence…

Know Everything About Punsavan Sanskar

Rituals and traditions hold a significant place in Indian culture. Each and every tradition practised in our country has a scientific reason along with a spiritual one. In some ways or another, they add meaning to our lives and make them better. When it comes to pregnancy, Garbh Sanskar is the most crucial practice that has existed…


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